Wednesday 9 December 2009

Grandad and Grandma Ellis-to-be

Great Grandma and Grandad Hogg-to-be

My belly


Telling people

OK, so ALL the family know now! It was so nice spreading the news. Grandma was delighted, then we told Dad on Skype and I rang Daniel today, who said it was fantastic. I just had the urge to let everyone know. They all seem really happy. I'm so happy.

To top it all off, Harry's brother Rob and Sarah are also having a baby!

Our wedding is now going to be in 2012. We have decided to put it on hold until we can do things properly. It'll still be an intimate affair but in America! I love the idea of doing it in Disney World. In 2 years time, we can take our baby who will also love it.

I still don't look pregnant! Which is fine. I did take another test to make sure I still was though. It was positive. Trying to rest as much as possible this week as I have a busy work schedule next week.

Saturday 5 December 2009

A busy weekend!

We told Rob (Harry's bro) last night. He was very happy for us.

I did my first yoga class at the studio yesterday - I was a bit nervous as I'd not been in the heat for a couple of weeks, but it was fine. I went near the door and did the modifications. Gonna go back this morning. No change to my body yet, I still don't look pregnant.

We're planning our wedding - trying to sort the guest list out at the moment. It's so difficult as we only have 40 spaces so that means cutting back on partners and not so close family. However, we will have a big party later in the year and everyone will be invited. We're going to see a place in Loughborough on Sunday which may be nice for the reception dinner. Fingers crossed.

This weekend is busy. Teaching later then we're out with our neighbours for a Christmas Do. Tomorrow I'm teaching again and we're going to mum's for lunch then checking wedding venues. Phew!

Thursday 3 December 2009

An OK! wedding?!

I told Jo today. She was very happy. I also mentioned that we were getting married and she's already been in touch with OK! and Hello joke! I love the fact that OK! wrote back and asked who was on the guest list! erm.

Feeling more sick than ever this evening. It's better after I've eaten or if I do some exercise. It's nice to be at home, we put the Christmas decorations up yesterday and it's so cosy. We're really excited about telling our family. Rob is coming down tomorrow so we'll tell him then. Harry's telling Mark on Saturday and I'm heading over to see Dad next week. Can't wait until it's all in the open and we can start planning.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Wednesday morning 2am

So here I am again. It's 2:02 am. I'm eating cereal, wishing the time away. This is my last overnight shift and in 5 hours I can go to bed and just concentrate on being pregnant!

I'm desperate to tell my family - especially Dad and Daniel. Grandma is coming down on Tuesday so I can't wait to tell her. I'd like to tell people face to face so I can savour their reaction. My diary is pretty hectic over the next couple of weeks - I'm gonna try and have a re shuffle so I can make some time for visiting well as relaxing and doing yoga.

Today's been pretty manic actually - filming in Sheffield. I've been craving savoury food and felt pretty bloated today after eating lunch (and then a burrito which I had to eat in front of camera for a feature we were doing). Not too sure if it's the baby growing or just my belly! Also have waves of nausea - I really hope it doesn't get worse. I hate being sick.

Harry's been looking at names today - he asked me if I liked the name 'Ivy' or 'Iris'. You can guess what my reply was.

Monday 30 November 2009

Doctors and cars

The doctor said I'm between 8 - 10 weeks. So our baby is roughly the size of a monkey nut! It's nice to have it confirmed. We will have the first scan after Christmas.

I've been trying to convince Harry to get a new car today. One that's sturdy and with a good window view for baby. He wants a Toyota Prius, I'd like a VW Toureg. It's so strange actually putting things into place for our new addition.

I'm starting to feel nauseous in the afternoons, especially when I'm hungry. Things are starting to happen! I can't wait to tell people, especially my family. They will all be over the moon and very supportive. It'll be the best Christmas present ever!

Work is going well at the moment. I suppose that is something I'm a little bit anxious over. I LOVE what I do - both presenting and teaching yoga. I'd like to think it's something I can still do with a baby. Obviously family comes first but I am pretty sure I can work from time to time. And whilst I'm pregnant, as long as I look after myself, I'd like to carry on doing bits that I enjoy.

Talking of yoga, I'm still practising at home. It is fabulous. I feel so energised once I've done the series. It's gonna be my saviour as I get bigger, I know it will.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Another overnight shift

It's so frustrating that I can't really enjoy the moment because I'm worrying about working all night. It's 2.26 am and I'm on air until 8 am! It's really tiring and I just feel a bit floaty during the day. However, I only have one more to do on Wednesday morning and that's it.

We went food shopping today and I wanted to buy organic everything. I'm very conscious that whatever I put into my body, my baby eats as well. I did some yoga earlier too which was lovely. I think I'll do quite a lot at home - again I am so grateful that I understand the postures enough to teach myself. The pregnancy postures are wonderful and will keep me strong.

Mum gave us a baby book today - all about pregnancy and birth. Harry was reading it in the bath and yelled down to tell me that by now, our baby's head and legs are growing and its heart is beating! We're going to the doctors tomorrow to see if we can find out exactly how far gone I am. The nurse estimated it at 5 weeks but wasn't sure.